Doors You've been riding through the forest for several days now without seeing anyone. You have been traveling in search of your father, who left your family when you were a small child. Your mother says that your father left to chase fanciful dreams. You don't remember much of your father, but you vaguely recall him telling you that he was setting out to seek his fortune. He gave you a pendant before he left; you've never taken it off.(click: "pendant")[ At first glance the pendant is nothing more than a simple chunk of stone. When seen under the light of the moon, however, it shines like crystal, and you've seen strange runes floating just under the surface.] (live:10s)[The path turns sharply and you are drawn from your thoughts to find yourself in front of an enormous metal gate set into a stone arch. A stone wall stretches out from either side of the gate. The gate is unlocked, but the path beyond is shrouded in mist. You can decide to [[open the gate|Courtyard]], or You can decide to [[continue down the path|Path]].] (if:(count:(history:),"Courtyard")is 0)["Welcome, Traveler, to the house of many doors," a voice booms as you step through the gate. You look around, but see no one. "I am the master of this house," the voice continues. "Do not waste your time looking for me, you will not be able to find me." (live:2s)[The mist clears, and you see a wall of rocks in front of you, streching as far into the sky as you can see.] (live:3s)["If you wish to enter my house, you must first solve my riddle," the voice says.] (live:4s)["My house is not for faint of heart, As most who enter perish, In truth I must suggest the gate, If your life you cherish, Those who wish to mimic birds, A careful path must tread, For those who cannot find the ledge, Will surely end up dead, If its's treasure you doth seek, Of fame, fortune, or wealth, Look below and you will find, A tribute to your health, A prize worth more than a thousand gems, Awaits the brave of heart, As with the gate the key you seek, Is a treasure of the heart."]](else:)[You return to the courtyard. The voice does not boom out again, but you feel like you are being watched.] (live:5s)[Do you want to... (link: "Make a quick decision?")[You do not like the sound of the voice, so you [[return to the path|Path]]. You choose to [[climb the wall|Wall]]. You choose to search for a [[cellar entrance|Examine Ground]].] or (link: "Examine the riddle further?")["My house is not for faint of heart, As most who enter perish, In truth I must suggest the [[gate|Examine Gate]], If your life you cherish, Those who wish to mimic birds, A careful path must tread, For those who cannot find the [[ledge|Examine Wall]], Will surely end up dead, If its's treasure you doth seek, Of fame, fortune, or wealth, Look [[below|Examine Ground]] and you will find, A tribute to your health, A prize worth more than a thousand gems, Awaits the brave of heart, As with the gate the key you seek, Is a treasure of the heart."]] You continue down the path without a second glance, bypassing the gate and whatever lies beyond. You reach the edge of the wood the next day and continue on your journey. You journey for many years, but despite the many new friendships you made you never found your father. In time you forget that you ever encounted the gate in the woods. The End. You approach the wall and begin to climb it. The rocks are uneven and jut out at odd angles, giving you perfect hand and foot holds.The stone holds you, for now, but it feel like it might break if you stand on it for to long. [[Continue climbing?|Climb]] [[Return to courtyard?|Courtyard2]] You gag as you hit the foul-smelling water. The stench is almost overwhelming. You blink several times in the darkness, not wanting to rub your eyes with your hands covered in the filthy water. You soon realize that you can still see, and look about for the source of the light. In the distance you see what looks like an enormous blaze. It seems to be coming closer. [[That's bound to be fire, dive under the water to avoid it|Drown]] [[Maybe fire means dry land, you swim toward the blaze|Treasure]] You approach the gate to take a closer look. The stones are old and covered with (link:"moss.")[moss. You brush the moss away and uncover a series of old runes carved into the stone. You hold up the pendant. The runes begin to glow. They look like the runes that show up in the pendant under the light of the moon. You pull the pendant away quickly and the runes stop glowing.] [[Return to path?|Path]] [[Return to courtyard?|Courtyard]] You walk to the wall. (if:(count:(history:),"Examine Gate")is 0)[You place your hands on the stones. There are plenty of hand and foot hold for climbing.](else:)[After seeing the gate you are a bit wary. You carefully examine the wall without touching it. It looks like there are many hand and foot holds for climbing.] You pull out the pendant and hold it close to the wall. The stones on the wall begin to glow with runes like the ones on the pendant. (link: "Move the pendant closer?")[You hold the pendant close to the wall and a set of runes begin to glow brighter. [[Touch the pendant to the wall?|Secret Door]]] You move away from the wall and the runes cease to glow. [[Return to courtyard?|Courtyard]] [[Examine the ground?|Examine Ground]] [[Try to climb the wall?|Wall]] You kneel down and look along the bottom of the wall. You don't see anything out of place. (link: "Are you sure there's something here?")[ You're certain there's another way in, you just have to find it. You sniff the air. The pungent odor of rotting fish assaults your senses. [[Follow the smell?|Grate]]] [[Return to courtyard?|Courtyard]] [[Return to wall?|Examine Wall]] Double-click this passage to edit it.

The Wizard's House of Doors


You follow the smell until you come to an old metal grate set into ground. The odor of fish is even worse here. It's beginning to make you nauseous. You peer through the grate but can't see anything in the inky blackness. (link: "Move the grate?")[You grab two of the iron bars and strain to lift them upward. After a moment, the grate begins to move. Slowly you lift it up and then slide it to the side. You set the grate down and see that your hands are now black with grime from touching it. The inky black hole seems to being calling to you. [[Jump into the hole?|Cellar]]] [[Return to courtyard?|Courtyard]] [[Return to the other part of the wall?|Examine Wall]] You continue climbing. Soon you have climbed high above the ground. You risk a glance down. The ground is so far below you have to squint to make out any detail. The hand and foot holds are becoming sparce. You look around and see a bird's nest on a jutting stone further up. You're not sure if there will be enough hand holds for you to make it to the nest. [[Try to climb to the nest?|Nest]] [[Try to climb back down?|Down]] Double-click this passage to edit it. The nest is hiding a secret door which you crawl through. More detail added later. [[Crawl through the passage|Freefall]]


(live: 2s)The stone you stepped down onto cracks beneath your foot. You feel your hands slipping. You fall... (live: 4s)...down... (live: 6s)...down... (live: 8s)...down... (live: 11s)[(goto: "Fall")] You have fallen to your death. You never found your father, or learned the secrets of the house of doors.

The End

You manage to grab on to a tree branch and hold on for dear life. After a moment, you gather the strength to climb onto the branch so that you can sit on it. Insert riddle here [[Try to climb up -or is it down- the tree?|Trunk]] [[Climb from tree-to-tree in the direction the riddle indicated?|Cliff]] You feel like you've been crawling through this passage for a long time. Suddenly, the floor beneath you gives way and you find yourself falling through space. You blink, and see trees flying past you. There is only sky below. [[Try to grab a tree branch?|Forest]] (live: 20s)[(goto: "Fall")] You begin to climb the tree. You climb higher and higher, but the ground is nowhere in sight. Eventually you begin to tire. Your arms feel heavy and it's hard to keep your eyes open. You fight off sleep for as long as you can, but you cannot fight it forever. Your eyes drift closed, and you feel yourself letting go of the tree. (live: 15s)[(goto: "Fall")] You travel through the trees, quickly learning how to run, swing, and even jump from one tree to the next. After a time you begin to hear voices and laughter. You look ahead, and see a cliff at the edge of the forest. It looks like there are people on the cliff. Suddenly, one of the people breaks away from the others and runs toward the edge of the cliff. Your heart leaps into your mouth as the figure jumps off the edge of the cliff. You close your eyes, not wanting to see them fall. "Hello there," a voice says. Startled, you open your eyes and see a winged man spiraling up toward your branch. "We don't get many visitors in these parts," the man says. "Would you like a lift to the cliff?" You nod, and he lands on the branch with his back to you. "Climb on," he says. [[Climb on the winged man's back|Fly]] Details to be added! You arrive at the clifftop and find out that these people are all winged, it is how they get around the upside-down forest. The people are very impressed to hear that you got around without any wings. A man steps forward and you recognize him as your father. There is a reunion and the winged people say they can give you wings to fly with. You join your father and the winged people and live the rest of your days in the upside-down forest. You dive down into the water. Almost immediately you begin to feel groggy, as if the water is turning to mud around you. You close your eyes. When did it become so hard to hold your breath? You feel so very tired. You release your breath and water floods into your lungs. You drown, never to find your father or uncover the secrets of the house of doors.

The End

You strike out toward the treasure, swimming slowly but steadily. The light seems to get brighter as you get closer. Soon you find yourself in shallow water. You stand up, no longer needing to swim. You can now see the source of the blaze up ahead. A pile of gold, jewels, and precious stones sits glowing in the dark. The air smells cleaner here. [[You reach out and touch the treasure|Return]] There is a bright flash of light, and you find yourself standing on the path outside the gates. In your hand you hold a satchel so heavy you nearly drop it on the ground. You carefully undo the flap, and see that the satchel is full of treasure. "Farewell, traveler," the voice from the courtyard booms out. "That treasure is enchanted so that it can never be stolen from you, only given freely. Take it, and enjoy the rest of your life." You close the flap of the satchel. [[Do you try to open the gate again?|Locked]] [[Do you return down the path?|Return2]] You try to open the gate, but find that it is now locked. Something tells you that it will never open for you again. [[You return down the path|Return2]] You swing the satchel over your shoulder, confident in the newfound knowledge that it cannot be stolen. You walk off down the path back the way you had come. In time you return to your mother, bringing with you tales of adventure and enough treasure to ensure that neither of you will ever have to work again.

The End