<h1>My Lady's Maid</h1>
(set: $name to (prompt: "What is your name?"))
(goto: "Wake up")
{(if: $weekday is 1)[It is Monday morning.]
(elseif: $weekday is 2)[It is Tuesday morning.]
(elseif: $weekday is 3)[It is Wednesday morning.]
(elseif: $weekday is 4)[It is Thursday morning.]
(elseif: $weekday is 5)[It is Friday morning.]
(elseif: $weekday is 6)[It is Saturday morning.]
(elseif: $weekday is 7)[It is Sunday morning.]
You wake before the break of dawn. The long years have trained you to do so. (if: $food <= 60)[Your stomache growls loudly.] The pre-dawn light filtering into your room from the window above your bed is barely bright enough for you to see your hands in front of you. The rest of the room is swamped in darkness.
(link: "Light a lantern?")[You have lived in the castle long enough to realize the wisdom of keeping a lantern and firestones in your room. It does not take long before you have a steady light burning in your lantern. Now you can see the rest of the room.
(display: "PRoom")]
(set: $days to 0)
(set: $weekday to 1)
(set: $dressed to false)
(set: $hour to 6)
(set: $min to 00)
(set: $money to 56)
(set: $Fancy to false)
(set: $havebreakfast to false)
(set: $eat to false)
(set: $strikes to 0)
(set: $favcolor to (either: "red", "blue", "purple", "yellow", "pink"))
(set: $favflower to (either: "roses", "violets", "lavender", "peonies", "orchids"))
(set: $prince to (either: "Peter", "John", "Edmund", "Rudolf", "David"))
(set: $heardcor to false)
(set: $OLDress to false)
(set: $OODress to false)
(set: $havedress to false)
(set: $LRival to false)
(set: $pflowers to false)
(set: $firstflowers to "dried daffodils")
(set: $flowers to false)
(goto: "Intro")
In your room...
Your bed sits underneath the window.(click: " bed")[Go to [[sleep|Sleep]]?]
{(if: $dressed is false)[Your uniform hangs on the back of the door. (click: "uniform")[[[Get dressed?|get dressed]]]]
(elseif: $dressedup is true)[Your uniform and nightshirt hang on the back of the door. (click: "uniform")[[[Get dressed?|get dressed]]](click: "nightshirt")[[[Put on nightshirt?|ready for bed]]]]
(else:)[Your nightshirt hangs on the back of the door. (click: "nightshirt")[[[Put on nightshirt?|ready for bed]]]]}
There is a [[chest|Pchest]] at the foot of your bed.
[[Go to hall|Dressed?]]
You have an extra uniform in your chest. Along with an extra set of shoes.
[[Return to your room|PRoom]]
(if: $dressed or $dressedup is true)[(goto: "Hallway")]
(else:)[(goto: "Not Dressed")]
You are in the hallway.
[[Go to your room?|PRoom]]
[[Go to the kitchens?|Kitchen]]
[[Go to Lady Laurel's room?|To LRoom]]
[[Go to gardens?|Gardens]]
[[Go to library?|Library]]
[[Leave castle?|Gatehouse]]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Kitchen")[(set: $min to it + 5)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "LRoom")[(set: $min to it + 10)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Gardens")[(set: $min to it + 15)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Library")[(set: $min to it + 10)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Ballroom")[(set: $min to it + 15)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Gatehouse")[(set: $min to it + 20)]
You must be dressed to leave your room.
[[Return to room|PRoom]]
(if: (history:)'s last is "KChat")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "eat")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "breakfast")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Dishes")[(set: $Rival to false)](set: $min to it + 5)You enter the kitchen.
(if: $Rival is true)[You see Lady Courtney is in the kitchen. In order to avoid an unneeded conflict. you leave the kitchen.(live: 4s)[(goto: "Hallway")]](else:)[(if: $hour <= 7)[The cook, Mrs. Baker smiles at you and nods to the counter. "Good morning, (print: $name). Her ladyship's breakfast is ready," she says, "Your breakfast is also there."(if: $days is 0 and $LRival is false)[She starts walking away, only to turn back and say, "By the way, I saw Lady Laurel's cousin arriving last night. She'll be here for the week." She nods and walks away. You've never gotten along with Lady Laurel's cousin. You'd best stay out of her way. (set: $LRival to true)]
(if: $eat is false)[Your breakfast is sitting on the counter. [[Eat breakfast?|eat]]]
(if: $havebreakfast is false)[Lady Laurel's breakfast tray contains eggs, buttered toast, sausage links, a pot of steaming mint tea, and a cup. [[Take the tray?|breakfast]]](else:)[You are carrying the breakfast tray.]](else:)[You can smell fresh bread cooling. Mrs. Baker is working on the next meal. Dishes and cooking equipment sit next to the sink.
[[Chat with Mrs. Baker|KChat]]
[[Wash the dishes|Dishes]]]
[[Return to the hallway|Hallway]]]
(if: (history:) contains "Name")[<h5>{<hr>(if: $weekday is 1)[It is Monday.]
(elseif: $weekday is 2)[It is Tuesday.]
(elseif: $weekday is 3)[It is Wednesday.]
(elseif: $weekday is 4)[It is Thursday.]
(elseif: $weekday is 5)[It is Friday.]
(elseif: $weekday is 6)[It is Saturday.]
(elseif: $weekday is 7)[It is Sunday.]
(if: $heardcor is true)[The prince's coronation is on Friday.]
(if: $min >= 60)[(set: $min to it % 60)(set: $hour to it + 1)]
The time is currently (print: $hour):(print: $min).<h5/>]
(if: $weekday is 5 and $hour >= 17)[(goto: "Off to Ball")]
(if: $LRival is true)[(set: $Rival to (either: true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false))]
(set: $Librarianin to (either: true, true, true, true, false))
(set: $min to it + 10)(if: $weekday is 5 and $havedress is true)[(goto: "Of to Ball")](if: (history:)'s last is "LGive")["As you wish, Lady Laurel," you say. You finish laying out her clothes on the foot of her bed.](else:)[You nock on the door to Lady Laurel's room.
(if: $hour <= 8)["Enter," she calls.
You enter, carrying the breakfast tray. "Your breakfast, My Lady," you say.
Lady Laurel is sitting (either: "next to the window", "on the bed", "near the fireplace") in her (print: $favcolor) dressing gown decorated with (print: $favflower). "Thank you, (print: $name)," she says.(set: $havebreakfast to false)
You place the tray in front of Lady Laurel and begin setting out her clothes. The vase next to the bed hold a bouquet of (if: $flowers is false)[(print: $firstflowers)](else:)[(print: $pickedflowers)].
(if: $days is 0 and $heardcor is false)[(set: $heardcor to true)"(print: $name)," Lady Laurel says, "Prince (print: $prince)'s coronation is to be held on Friday. I'll need a new dress for the ceremony if I want to catch the prince's eye. I want you to go to the market today and order a new dress from the seamstress. Use the money in this coin purse."
[[Take the coin purse|LGive]].]]
(elseif: $hour >= 8)[There is no answer. Lady Laurel has already left her rooms for the day.
(if: $pflowers is true)[Place new flowers in the vase? (link: "Place new flowers in the vase")[(set: $flowers to true)You place the (print: $pickedflowers) in the vase.]]]
[[Return to hallway?|Hallway]]
{(if: (history:)'s last is "Gatehouse")[(set: $min to it + 30)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Tailor")[(set: $min to it + 10)]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Bookstore")[(set: $min to it + 15)]
You are standing in the village square.}
[[Visit the tailor?|Tailor]]
[[Visit the bookstore?|Bookstore]]
[[Return to the castle?|Gatehouse]]
(set: $min to it + 10)You enter the tailor's shop
A young woman sits on a stool behind the counter, stiching a dress together. She looks up as you enter. "Would you like to place an order?" she asks. "Or are you here to check on one?"
[["I'm here to place an order."|TOrder]]
[["I'm here to check on an order."|TCheck]]
[[Return to the village square?|Village]]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Chat")[(set: $Rival to false)](if: (history:)'s last is "Read")[(set: $Rival to false)](set: $min to it + 10)You enter the library.
(if: $Rival is true)[You see Lady Courtney is in the library. In order to avoid an unneeded conflict. you leave the library.(live: 4s)[(goto: "Hallway")]](else:)[(if: $hour <= 20)[Bright sunlight filters through the tall window to give the library a warm glow.](else:)[The library is lit by many lamps.] Books line the oaken shelves along the walls, while plush couches, armchairs, and tables are scattered about the room. (if: $Librarianin is true)[The librarian, Garath Longscrole sits at his desk near the door.]
(if: $Librarianin is true)[[[Chat with Garath?|Chat]]]
[[Read a book?|Read]]
[[Return to the hallway?|Hallway]]]
(if: (history:)'s last is "bench")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Flowers")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Fish")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Violets")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Peonies")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Orchids")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Lavender")[(set: $Rival to false)](elseif: (history:)'s last is "Roses")[(set: $Rival to false)](set: $min to it + 15)You enter the gardens.
(if: $Rival is true)[You see Lady Courtney is in the gardens. In order to avoid an unneeded conflict. you leave the gardens.(live: 4s)[(goto: "Hallway")]](else:)[There is a bench on the side of the path. (click: "bench")[[[Sit down and ponder?|bench]]]
There is a pond at the center of the garden. (click: "pond")[[[Feed the fish?|Fish]]]
The gardens are full of flowers. (click: "flowers")[[[Pick a bouquet?|Flowers]]]
[[Return to hallway?|Hallway]]]
(if: (history:)'s last is "Hallway")[(set: $min to it + 20)]
(elseif: (history:)'s last is "Village")[(set: $min to it + 30)]
[[Go to the village?|Village]]
[[Return to the castle?|Hallway]]
(set: $dressed to true)
(set: $min to it + 5)
(goto: "PRoom")
(set: $dressed to false)
(set: $dressedup to false)
(set: $min to it + 5)
(goto: "PRoom")
Welcome to My Lady's Maid.
Here are some things you should know before you get started. To skip this tutorial, click [[here|Name]].
<h4>Who are you?</h4>
You are one of the most trusted servants of Lady Laurel.
You'll get to choose your own name at the beginning of the game. Just remember, once you've chosen a name, you can't change it again without restarting.
<h4>Current kingdom events:</h4>
Prince (print: $prince)'s upcoming corrination is the talk of the kingdom. He's to be crowned king on Friday.
<h4>Helpful tips:</h4>
Lady Laurel likes to recieve her breakfast first thing in the morning.
Now that you have your information, have fun.
Oh! By the way, Lady Laurel's favorite color is (print: $favcolor).
(set: $havebreakfast to true)
(set: $min to it + 2)
(goto: "Kitchen")
(set: $eat to true)
(set: $min to it + 10)
(goto: "Kitchen")
(if: $hour >= 20 and $dressed is false)[(goto: "New Day")]
(elseif: $hour >= 20 and $dressed is true)[(goto: "Change for bed")]
(else:)[(goto: "No sleep")]
It is too early for you to go to bed.
(display: "PRoom")
(set: $days to it + 1)
(set: $weekday to it + 1)
(set: $hour to 6)
(set: $min to 0)
(if: $OLDress is true)[(set: $Dresstime to it + 25)]
(goto: "Wake up")
You must change out of your clothes before going to sleep.
(display: "PRoom")
(set: $money to it + 350)
(goto: "LRoom")
You sit on the bench and ponder life.
(set: $hour to it + 1)
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Gardens")]
You stand on the dock overlooking the pond and toss food onto the water. Several colorful fish come to the surface to feed.
(set: $min to it + 30)
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Gardens")]
Pick a bouquet of...
(if: $hour <= 8 and $havebreakfast is false)[You cannot go to Lady Laurel's rooms without her breakfast. [[Return to hallway|Hallway]]](else:)[(goto: "LRoom")]
(set: $pickedflowers to "roses")
(set: $pflowers to true)
(set: $min to it + 15)
(goto: "Gardens")
(set: $pickedflowers to "violets")
(set: $pflowers to true)
(set: $min to it + 15)
(goto: "Gardens")
(set: $pickedflowers to "lavender")
(set: $pflowers to true)
(set: $min to it + 15)
(goto: "Gardens")
(set: $pickedflowers to "peonies")
(set: $pflowers to true)
(set: $min to it + 15)
(goto: "Gardens")
(set: $pickedflowers to "orchids")
(set: $pflowers to true)
(set: $min to it + 15)
(goto: "Gardens")
"I would like to place an order," you say.
The young woman sets aside her sewing and opens a book sitting on the table. "I see," she says. "Would you like to order a...
[[Red dress]]?
[[Blue dress]]?
[[Purple dress]]?
[[Yellow dress]]?
[[Pink dress]]?
"[[I actually don't want to place an order|Tailor]]."
(if: $OLdress is false)[The young woman checks through a book filled with names. "I'm sorry," she says, "You have not placed an order with us yet." (live: 8s)[(goto: "Tailor")]](elseif: $Dresstime is 100)[The young woman checks through a book filled with names before standing and walking into another room. She returns shortly with a carefully wrapped package. "Your order is ready," she says, handing you the package. (set: $havedress to true)(live: 10s)[(goto: "Tailor")]](else:)[The young woman checks through a book filled with names. "Your order is (print: $Dresstime)% finished," she says. (live: 8s)[(goto: "Tailor")]]
(set: $dresscolor to "red")
(set: $min to it +20)
(set: $OLDress to true)
(goto: "Tailor")
(set: $money to it - 350)
(set: $dresscolor to "blue")
(set: $min to it +20)
(set: $OLDress to true)
(goto: "Tailor")
(set: $money to it - 350)
(set: $dresscolor to "purple")
(set: $min to it +20)
(set: $OLDress to true)
(goto: "Tailor")
(set: $money to it - 350)
(set: $dresscolor to "Yellow")
(set: $min to it +20)
(set: $OLDress to true)
(goto: "Tailor")
(set: $money to it - 350)
(set: $dresscolor to "pink")
(set: $min to it +20)
(set: $OLDress to true)
(goto: "Tailor")
(set: $money to it - 350)
(if: $havedress is false and $OLDress is false)[The time has come for Lady Laurel to leave for the coronation, but you have failed to order the new dress she requested. She fires you before leaving for the coronation. You never find out if she caught the prince's eye.](elseif: $havedress is false and $OLDress is true)[The time has come for Lady Laurel to leave for the coronation. You ordered the new dress she requested, but it was not finished in time. She fires you before leaving for the coronation. You never find out if she caught the prince's eye.](elseif: $havedress is true)[The time has come for Lady Laurel to leave for the coronation. You present her with the (print: $dresscolor) you ordered. She is pleased, and gives you a bonus before leaving for the coronation.]
<h3>The End</h3>
(set: $convo to (either: "the traveling bookseller who visited a few days back. Garath proudly shows you the new books he aquired during the visit.", "his wife. Mrs. Longscrole works at the village bookstore. She's been practicing her knitting lately.", "his daughter, Melody. She's to be married next month. Garath can hardly wait to see his little angel happily settled with her own family.", "his son, Aaron. Aaron's wife is expecting their second child."))Garath is pleased to have some company. You talk with him about (print: $convo) Soon, however, he has to return to his work, and you wander back to the rest of the library.
(set: $min to it + 30)
(live: 7s)[(goto: "Library")]
You select a book and sit down to read.
(set: $hour to it + 3)
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Library")]
(set: $convo to (either: "the new kitchen maid, Emily. She tells you that Emily is a bit rough around the edges, but she's learning quickly.", "her brother, Mark. His farm has been quite prosperous this year.", "the upcoming coronation. She speculates that Prince (print: $Prince) might choose his future wife during the celebration."))Mrs. Baker is happy to see you. She gladly gossips with you about (print: $convo) Eventually, however, she has to return her focus to the food, and you wander back to the rest of the kitchen.
(set: $hour to it + 1)
(live: 7s)[(goto: "Kitchen")]
You wash the dishes. The routine activity is soothing.
(set: $min to it + 20)
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Kitchen")]
(set: $min to it + 15)You enter the bookstore. Mrs. Longscrole sits at the desk with a book in her hands. She smiles up at you as you enter.
[[Chat with Mrs. Longscrole?|BChat]]
[[Read a book?|BRead]]
[[Return to the village square?|Village]]
(set: $convo to (either: "her daughter, Melody. The girl is to be married next month, and Mrs. Longscrole giddily says that she's been sewing the dress ever since the wedding was announced.", "her daughter-in-law, Mary. Mary's expecting her second child, and Mrs. Longscrole dearly hopes that this one is a girl.", "the harvest festival. She's already planning what she'll bring to the fall celebration."))Mrs. Longscrole gladly tells you of (print: $convo) An hour has passed before she says that she must get back to her books. You thank her, and return to the rest of the bookstore.
(set: $hour to it + 1)
(live: 5s)[(goto: "Bookstore")]
You select a book and sit down to read.
(set: $hour to it + 3)
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Bookstore")]